"Seagul to Sirius", Rogelio Bernat Andreo (DeepSkyColors.com). View at Astronomy Picture of the Day

About Sirius Rising

Me, on a good day, and younger

Sirius Rising, a blog, was created and is maintained by me, Jack Penkethman. My concept for this site is to blog about things that interest me and that might possibly interest others.

I have another site called Jack's Redwood Crafts showing that I can occasionally actually produce things of some value, maybe.

Here is a bullet list of other things that I hope to cover in this personal blog:

I'm basically just a guy with a computer on the internet. My background is in Engineering and am now retired. My last position was at Lockheed Martin Space Systems. I have a bachelors degree in physics and a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

I do wish I could be more useful without getting in the way now that I'm older.

Please contact me at email@jackpenkethman.com